

Well, I don’t hate women, but I don’t really understand them, either.

Take handbags. What is the deal with them?

I finally asked a woman why women carry handbags. She replied that she does it because she’s anxious and hauling a ton of stuff everywhere she goes makes he feel more confident.

When I want to haul a ton of stuff with me, I use a backpack. It is much more efficient and economical, and I haven’t had to buy a new one since highschool. Most of the time, though, I don’t really feel compelled to bring 20 pounds of stuff with me wherever I go, much less buy new containers for it all the time.

(It’s not that I dislike shopping so much as I dislike spending money.)

Since the internet thinks I am female, I get handbag ads:

Picture 6

I… I think that’s an add for porn. The handbag company must have gotten confused.

But what other things do women shop for? How about this helpful ad:

Picture 8

Words I normally associate with my pantry: rice, beans, spices, organization.

Words I definitely do not associate with my pantry: crazy, sexy.

Who the hell wants crazy things in their pantry? Maybe some of the “personal care” items are sexy (Boob-shaped soap? Toilet paper with penises printed on it? Vibrating tooth brush?) but what is a crazy one? And how is a “crazy” item ever a “must-have”?

Yes, I know, advertisements are lies. But they wouldn’t be making these particular lies if the lies didn’t at least occasionally work. Which means that someone out there saw “crazy sexy must have” and thought “YES I MUST HAVE THE CRAZY SEXY!”

I also get adds for clothing rental services. Like, you can rent a dress for a week and then send it back and get a new dress. If you don’t have enough dresses. Or pants. Or other clothes.

Do you know what every single woman in this entire country has enough of?


The mall overflows with clothes.

Women write articles about how they were so super depressed when [bad thing happened] that they didn’t buy any clothes for months. Months!

In the past three years, I think I’ve bought socks. And that was because I was headed to a wedding and at the last minute couldn’t find one of my regular socks.

Now, weddings. That’s another biggie. I hear they are a big deal with women. Like, first you have to hang out around this guy for a long time, with no knowledge of whether he wants to keep hanging out with your or is going to dump you tomorrow, and then suddenly bam, he gets down on one knee like a knight of old and gives you a rock. A sparkly rock! And like a magpie, you jump up and down and squeal with joy because you are so goddamn surprised that anyone would actually give you a rock, even though it’s actually just a boring old clear one and your favorite color is purple. Sure, it sparkles nicely, but tourmaline is way awesomer:

Tourmaline crystals
Tourmaline crystals


This actually a piece of amethyst, not tourmaline, but it is purple and so still interesting
This actually a piece of amethyst, not tourmaline, but it is purple and so still interesting

So, even though I can get a lovely chunk of tourmaline for 50 or 60 dollars, I’m supposed to demand that my boyfriend spend three month’s salary on one of the clear rocks or else he doesn’t love me. Three month’s salary that could have been spent on books, mind you.

Then come all of the parties. Bridal showers with chicken cloacas where people give me underwear as though I didn’t already own underwear and laugh and giggle about the prospect of my fiance seeing me in my underwear as though he hadn’t a hundred times already. A bachelorette party where… actually I don’t know what happens there. I’ve never been to one. A bachelor party where my fiance celebrates what a downer it is to be yoked sexually to me for the rest of his life by getting drunk and watching strippers, or whatever it is that people actually do at those things.

Then we spend about the cost of a new car or a tiny house or two on a big party for all of our friends. (Parties are nice, I suppose.) Of course I will spend a thousand dollars on a white gown, as though anyone in the audience could possibly be fooled into thinking I’m actually a virgin despite having lived with the guy for the past two years, and then I will never wear the damn thing again for the rest of my life. (For that much money, the dress ought to be a computer.)

And then, thank god, it’s over. I’m exhausted, you’re exhausted, and after a vacation if we can get off work, we’ll go back to living exactly like we did before.

Yes, I understand the point of marriage. I even understand the point of the wedding ceremony. What I don’t understand is why women want to spend so much money on so much useless stuff.

And don’t get me started on the diet ads… I hate diet ads.

14 thoughts on “Wimmins

  1. While I share your incredulity that women spend large amounts of money on these things, I’m not convinced that idiotic spending is the purview of women only. Even the ancients noticed that a fool and his money are soon parted. Things that men spend money on that leave me gaping: casinos, gadgets, GNC supplements, wedding rings, and women to name a few.


    • Women spend more than men, with the possible exception of car and house sales. The majority of advertising is aimed at women, as are the majority of stores. Almost every woman I know spends a great deal of money on clothes, handbags, and so on, but I only know one man who’s overspent on casinos.

      Spending on sports is huge, though, which to be honest also flabbergasts me.

      But no one expects me to understand men.


      • Women spend more than men–yes I’ve heard that. But I wonder about that. In my experience, I spend way more because I do the grocery shopping, buy any needed clothes (and eventually school supplies, etc) for the kids, all household essentials, and even my husband’s clothes a lot of the time. I wonder if the “women spend more” takes those kinds of things into account.


      • @Celeste Which of course is why the advertising is directed at you.

        But if men were dictating the household budgets or had a real desire to shop for clothes, they could. There is a reason it ends up being (mostly) the wives.

        I confess that I do think of shopping as kind of like a substitute for gathering, in the hunter-gathering sort of way, but that may be me way over-reaching.

        @infowarrior1 I hadn’t thought of heroism (heroism probably doesn’t really ping my radar screen), but I’ve figured it’s some kind of vicarious ethno-tribal identity. It’s still weird to me that people would want to spend money on it, when really, when we come right down to it, we are talking about grown men playing games. I’d understand more if people were playing the games themselves; that seems like something people could really enjoy.


    • You have no plans to marry or have children?

      For me, it’s personal. Being female means I associate a lot with other women. And if those other women act in ways that I find irrational or difficult to understand, well, it makes it hard for me to interact with them. I don’t have to interact much with men, and when I do, they don’t expect me to have any desire to discuss football or whatever it is that men do.

      Third, this is all advertising-driven, and I suspect that advertising is actually designed to make you feel bad, not happy. I think a large % of advertising is actually really bad, psychologically, and drives a lot of negative behaviors that are long-run bad for society. Advertising exploits certain female traits/inclinations, and admitting that I don’t really understand a lot of this on an intuitive level is the first step toward studying it in any coherent way.


  2. “…as though I didn’t already own underwear and laugh and giggle about the prospect of my fiance seeing me in my underwear as though he hadn’t a hundred times already”


    “…as though anyone in the audience could possibly be fooled into thinking I’m actually a virgin despite having lived with the guy for the past two years”


    “and after a vacation if we can get off work, we’ll go back to living exactly like we did before”

    Marriage would be awesome if bride and groom were virgins (maybe only bride is enough), but they are not so they rather fool themselves wanting to marry.

    All those things are enjoyable for the virgins marrying, so you have two options:

    1) Be a virgin and enjoy them instead of enjoying fornication;
    2) Enjoy fornication and instead pretend to enjoy them.

    Can’t have both.


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