On the Measures of Meaning

This post was inspired primarily by a liberal acquaintance–we’ll call her Juliet.

picture-6Since the election, Juliet has been suicidal. I don’t mean she’s actually tried to commit suicide; (suicidal women very rarely actually commit suicide, unlike suicidal men.) I just mean she’s posted a lot of angst-ridden things on the internet about how she wants to die because Trump is going to destroy everything in a giant fireball, and literally the only thing she has left to live for are her 3 dogs and 10 cats.

Juliet is one of those people who thinks that we are one heavy bootstep away from Holocaust 2.0 (despite such a thing never having happened in all of American history,) and that the US was an oppressive, horrible, quasi-genocidal place up until 4-8 years ago. (She’s the same age as me, so she has no youth excuse for not knowing what life was like 10 years ago.)

I think this is a side effect of really buying into the BLM narrative that the police have just been slaughtering black children in the streets and we are finally doing something about it, and the perception that gay people are a much larger % of the population than they actually are and assumption that forbidding gay marriage inconvenienced people far more than it actually did. (Buying the BLM narrative is understandable, I guess, if you aren’t familiar with crime stats.)

Poem by "ECC" http://ecc-poetry.tumblr.com/tagged/edited-to-reflect-my-latina-status
Poem by “ECC

Now, I have lived through elections that didn’t go my way. My side has lost, and I have felt quite unhappy. But I have never rioted, set things on fire, or decided that my life is meaningless and begun envying the dead.

So I got thinking: What gives people meaning? Why do many people feel like their lives are meaningless?

Meaning can come from many sources, but (I suspect) we derive it from three main sources:

1. Worthwhile work

2. Family

3. Religion

1. Worthwhile work is work that is valuable and inherently satisfying. Farmers, for example, do worthwhile work. Worthwhile work creates a direct relationship between a person’s efforts and the food on their table and their physical well-being, where working harder results in a better life for oneself and potentially one’s friends, family, and community.

Marx (who was not entirely wrong about everything) wrote about how modern industrial factories disassociate the worker from the product of his labor. No individual worker creates a single product, and the individual working harder than expected creates no appreciable effect on the end results. Workers have no control over factories, cannot (typically) implement creative ideas that would improve products or production methods, and basically live at the whims of the factory owners and broad economic trends rather than their own efforts.

(There’s a great irony that Marxism, as actually implemented, just scaled all of the problems of the factory up to the level of the whole society, making entire nations miserable.)

From an evolutionary perspective, it makes sense that people desire to do things that result in eating and don’t really want to obey others in huge, impersonal systems where their actions don’t have any obvious impact on their personal well-being.

Due to technological changes, most of us have far nicer, healthier, well-fed lives than our ancestors, while simultaneously our jobs have become far less instinctually fulfilling, because we simply don’t need that many people producing food or hand-making clothes and furniture anymore. So few of us–my acquaintance included–are likely to have actually fulfilling work.

2. People live–literally–for their families. Throughout the entirety of human history, almost 100% of people who survived infancy and lived long enough to reproduce and continue the human line were people whose families cared about them and took care of them.

Yes, women post inordinately about their children and grandparents babble on about their “grandbabies,” but this is exactly as it should be; from an evolutionary perspective, your descendents are the most important thing in the world to you. All of our efforts are ultimately aimed at the well-being and survival of our children; indeed, many people would sacrifice their own lives to save their kids.

To give a personal example: having kids (well, one at a time, so kid) was probably the single most significant event in my life. Not just because of the predictable changes (less sleep, more diaper changes,) but also because of the not-subtle at all but somewhat difficult to describe complete and utter re-orienting of my entire “self.”

In real life, I am a very shy, retiring person. A few weeks into kiddo’s life, I became concerned that something was wrong, and at that moment, I knew that nothing and nobody would stop me from getting my child to the doctor. My normally shy, fearful personality was dust before the needs of my child.

People talk about “female empowerment.” This was empowerment.

(Luckily, everything turned out fine–colic is a very common problem and in many cases can be treated, btw.)

Perhaps not surprising, all of the people I know who are distressed because their lives lack meaning also do not have children. Indeed, the person I know who went the furthest down this road was a father whose wife left him and whose small child died, leaving him utterly alone. Without any purpose in his life, he stopped working, stopped interacting with the world, and became homeless: a kind of living death.

The devastation of loneliness is horrible.

And yet, despite living in the richest society in pretty much all of human history, we’ve decided en masse to cut the number of children we have. Gone are the days when children had 7 siblings and 40 cousins who all lived nearby and played together. Gone are the neighborhoods full of happy children who can just walk outside and find a playmate. We moderns are far more likely than our ancestors to have no children, no siblings, no spouse, and to live 3,000 miles away from our own parents.

Juliet, as you may have guessed, does not have any children. (Hence the cats.)

3. The power of religion to bring meaning to people’s lives almost needs no explanation. Religious people are happier, more fulfilled, and live longer, on average, than atheists, despite atheists’ strong concentration among society’s richest and smartest. I’ve even heard that priests/ministers have some of the highest work satisfaction levels–their work is meaningful and pleasant.

In times of suffering, religion provides comfort and soothes distress. It provides the promise that even horrible things are actually part of some grand plan that we don’t understand and that everything will be all right in the end. The idea that death is not permanent, your sins can be forgiven, or that you can influence divine powers to make the world a better place all make people happier.

Now, I am not saying this because I am a religious person who wants you to follow my religion. Like Juliet, I don’t believe in God (though I do believe, metaphorically, in GNON, which does let me attribute some “purpose” to the grand variety I see around me. Things do not always go my way, but unlike Juliet, I live in a world that at least makes sense.)


Work, scaled up, is the business of taming the land, building homes and cities and ultimately a country. Family, scaled up, is the tribe, the clan, and the nation. And religion itself is highly grounded in both land and family.

Juliet, being a very smart, sensible person, (who does not believe in sexist nonsense like evolutionary psychology,) looks at all of the things that give meaning to people’s lives and dismisses them as absurd. Religion is obviously delusional; having children is an inconvenience; and while she’d love a meaningful job if she could get one, these are hard to come by. Having rejected or been denied all of the things that normally give people meaning, she finds that life is meaningless.

We do have one source of meaning left: politics. As Moldbug famously noted, liberalism is neo-Puritanism is the religion of America, simply shorn of that Constitutionally inconvenient “God” business.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

cara-delevingne-support-the-bring-back-our-girlsWith nothing else to provide meaning to their lives, not even the mild nationalism of thinking their own country/society a generally nice place, lonely atheists with empty jobs have turned to politics to fill the void. If they can save the whales, or the refugees, or the gay people, then they will have achieved meaning. In reality, this dedication is often quite shallow, a fly-by-night concern with the lives of strangers that lasts until the next pressing hashtag pops up.

It’s as though the desire to care for one’s family does not dissipate simply because one is barren, but instead gets transferred to strangers (or animals) who are unlikely to return the favor.

I mean, take another look at that poem, which I’ve seen about a dozen SJWs post. How many of these women are going to have even one child, much less an army of them (mixed race or not)? How many of these women are already married and are effectively declaring that they intend to betray their own husbands? How many of them could, after having babies with a dozen different men, afford to raise and care for them by themselves, without depending on the horrible, Trump-run white-supremecist state for help? (Suing men for child support is depending on the state.)

No. I’m pretty sure the vast majority of people posting the poem have no intention of acting on it. Someone else can do the actual work of making babies and raising the next generation of social warriors.

Juliet’s suicidality stems from the fact that she cannot achieve meaningful political change (or even just attach herself symbolically to it) because she lives in a democracy where the majority of people can just vote to do something else. Everything she has worked for, her entire identity as a “good person,” everything that provides meaning in her life has been destroyed just because some guys in Ohio are concerned about feeding their families.


This post is over, but I want to add a post script: Juliet is not even remotely Jewish. Her family is not Jewish; she has no Jewish ancestors; she has no connection to Israel. People blame a lot of stuff on Jews that I see Gentile women also doing, while plenty of religious Jews are perfectly sane people. The meaning deficit affects people of every religions/ethnic background.

20 thoughts on “On the Measures of Meaning

  1. That last paragraph fails to notice the point of the JQ. Namely that the Jew run media and Jew run Hollywood have led these Gentile women astray. Of course, their fathers failed them by fallin for the lies of the talmudvision too. Sure, there are good Jews, just like there are bad whites, but have you ever taken the time to figure out why they are so hated?

    The purpose I bring this up is it is the white man that has bought the merchant’s porn, signed the merchant’s loans, and gave the merchant his power.

    To beat the Jew, you must beat the worst part of yourself.


      • I can’t stand anyone who blames the Jews for everything they hate about human nature. They act like broken homes, promiscuity, crime, corruption, debauchery, nihilism and etc isn’t natural and universal. White Nationalist are the real “Dindus”. Always blaming the Jews for everything they hate about themselves. No wonder Nietzsche despised antisemitism.


  2. Great post, Ev.

    To the progressive, religion and politics are one. So, I’d suggest that the crisis of meaning that Juliet is suffering from may be also a crisis of faith. She was promised progress never ending. She believes that the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice. She got Trump. She’s sitting where Job sat, except that she probably doesn’t even know the Job story, and even if she does, she does not connect it to her situation. She’s a smart atheist “spiritual but not religious”! She has almost no context for how to deal with a blow to her faith. (Indeed the “long arc” concept is about all progs have to deal with substantial reverses. It seems rather unsatisfying.)


    • Thanks.
      Juliet’s a sad case. I wish she could be happy/find meaning, but I can’t give that to her.
      On the plus side, at least she didn’t dress up as a giant vagina last week. At least she’s got that in her favor.


  3. I’ve lived mostly in the Waterloo region, and in the agricultural counties north of it. In the ’70s there were a fair number of old order Mennonites in and around Waterloo and Elmira. Where my parents bought their first farm, there were mostly the third generation Scots who usually sold to new immigrant Dutch and German (whose children rarely stayed). Now where we used to have our farms, they are mostly Mennonite owned. If each Mennonite woman had six children (often more) and four stayed in the culture, in the two generations that one family would have become 21 households, each with probably at least 100 acres and a value of near a million each (or at least half a million). That gives one some meaning in life (religion aside). Never mind that they don’t go past eighth grade, or that the women aren’t “liberated.”

    I think if they were a little less turn the cheeky, and trained their sons to be horse lancers they could take over the country.


    • I’ve seen similar growth numbers for the Amish–and, of course, much of Africa. As they say, “The future belongs to those who show up.”
      Perhaps the rest of us could learn something from these folks.


  4. Amazing post. To be honest this is why I started being drawn toward religion again. I looked at all these women, and saw that the lack of belief in something led them to pursue these insane causes, forgo the having of children, and generally be miserable. The first point, of the lack of meaningful work, is harder to solve. But once you have children, you’re at least making them their dinner, collaborating with other local moms, etc.


  5. It’s too late now, but Juliet should have gone to the march in Washington. It likely would have taken care of her angst for years to come.


  6. The Torah is particularly adamant about the dangers of idolatry. When a person places his or her faith in something finite, that object’s destruction is devastating. The more I learn about humanity, the more I learn to appreciate ancient ideas.


    • That sounds identical to the Buddhist concept of Sunyata.

      But heres the problem, Nothing last forever, including happiness. As the book Ecclesiastes points out, even faith and duty to God didn’t give Soloman and happiness nor satisfaction. He too seems, despite his religion, to promote nihilism. He even says nothing matters.


  7. It is actually not true that Religious people have longer life spans. The nations with the highest life expectancy rates are all relatively secular. Even the claim that religious people are happier is now under question:

    Also, most happiness studies are fundamentally flawed because they fail to take into account the happiness (and misery) are predominately heritable traits, with the influences of life’s circumstances being negligible.


    There is no such thing as lasting happiness, its a utopian myth. Happiness is just an emotion, one that switches on and off like any other. Its not biologically possible to be happy (nor any other emotion) 24/7 There is no replicated evidence that happiness is in any way linked to health and fertility. Nature doesn’t seem to care if any of its species are happy. That explains why most cultures throughout human history didn’t seem to place much value on happiness.


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